This atmospheric piece is laden with atmosphere,,,,and a ray of light to start the new day on the deserted coastal scene. Inspired from the moody desolate landscapes of the West of Ireland where the Atlantic and its relentless storms hit the beaches it is a sight to behold when the tempest abates..making way for a welcome burst of warmth to sooth the land.

Firstly I add layers of texture in the direction of the storm to add it its effect of direction away from the left hand focus. this adds strength to the scene and then I add the base dark colour near the beach and the start of the light from the light emerging from the left.....everything emanates out from this area and the build up begins...adding successive colours to give a 2 effect.


Endless Universe
50” x 50”
Original matt resin artwork

Original resin artwork with layered precious materials - inks, chalk, sand, oil, gold, silver leaf, platinum, paints all built up to create an almost 3 d effect of a Deep Space adventure of the mind. We can only imagine what incredible activities happen billions of miles away.

Handmade wood stretcher in the U.K.

Worldwide delivery charges...
